Disability Narratives
Disability Narratives (ENGL 445) explored what a “disability narrative” is, has been, and could be. To contextualize this journey, students considered how the category of disability operates culturally and politically. The course asked about the ways in which gender, race, and sexuality are co-constitutive with disability and political invisibility and/or invalidation. That is to say, the class interrogated how the mark and category of disability appears in intersectional oppression and in relation to the category of citizen and human within cultural discourse, particularly in the context of the United States. Following this broad introduction, the course considered the politics and processes of self-writing, and asked about the politics and ethics of disability disclosure and narratives as they emerge from lives and experiences within the category of disability. This course was taught by Theodora Danylevich as a Doyle Seminar in fall 2021. Please refer to the current course catalog for an up-to-date description of the course.