Teaching Diversity
These resources on teaching diversity are designed to support educators who engage in discussions of cultural pluralism in the classroom. Articles describe the best practices for teaching college students to think critically and dynamically about social, cultural, and religious diversity.
“How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive,” Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy, Chronicle of Higher Education (2019)
“6 Ways to Be More Inclusive in a Virtual Classroom,” Flower Darby, Chronicle of Higher Education (2020)
“8 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Zoom Teaching,” Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy, Chronicle of Higher Education (2020)
“Fostering Inclusion in Our Teaching,” Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast (2020)
“Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education,” Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast (2018)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Contemporary Higher Education, Rhonda Jeffries (2018)
Additional Resources
Georgetown University, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
University of Michigan, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching
Stanford University, Center for Teaching and Learning
Harvard University, The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
Brown University, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning
Major Problems in American Immigration History, Mae Ngai and Jon Gjerde (2012)
“Does Race Matter: Transatlantic Perspectives on Racism After ‘Race Relations,’” Robert Miles and Rudy Torres (2007)
Blues Legacies and Black Feminism, Angela Davis (1998)
“White Privilege: Unpacking the Knapsack,” Peggy McIntosh (1989)
“How the Teacher’s Race Affects the Teaching of Race,” Rucha Ambikar and Dennis Lunt, Chronicle of Higher Education (2016)
“Pedagogical Approaches to Student Racial Conflict in the Classroom,” P. A. Pasque et al., Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (2013)
“Addressing Racial Awareness and Color-Blindness in Higher Education,” New Directions for Teaching and Learning (2014)
“Teaching as an Act of Social Justice and Equity,” Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast (2018)
Additional Resources
Georgetown University, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
- Inclusive Teaching Resources
- “Talking About Race and Other Conversations,” Beverly Daniel Tatum [video]
- “The Miseducation of White America,” Shaun Harper [video]
Wabash College, Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion
- Teaching Diversity and Justice [scholarship guide]
- Teaching Justice [resource guide]
Brown University, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching
“Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory,” Judith Butler, Theatre Journal (1988)
The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir (1949: 2015)
“Why Race, Class, and Gender Still Matter,” Margaret Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins (2016)
Women, Race & Class, Angela Davis (1981)
“LGBTQ-Inclusivity in the Higher Education Curriculum: A Best Practice Guide,” University of Birmingham (2016)
“Empathy Toward Greater Inclusion,” Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast (2016)
The Trevor Project Glossary
Additional Resources
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching
Brown University, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning
Stanford University, Center for Teaching and Learning
Religious Pluralism in the Academy: Opening the Dialogue, Robert J. Nash (2001)
“Navigating Religious Differences,” Robert Kunzman, The Global Ready Student (2017)
Teaching Religious Literacy: A Guide to Religious and Spiritual Diversity in Higher Education, Ariel Ennis (2017)
“Culturally Relevant Education: Extending the Conversation to Religious Diversity,” Brittany Aronson and Tasneem Amatullah, Multicultural Perspectives (2016)
“Engaging Diversity in Teaching Religion and Theology: An Intercultural, Decolonial Epistemic Perspective,” Michel Elias Andraos, Teaching Theology & Religion (2012)
Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History, Elise Boulding (2000)
“Why Multiculturalism Still Matters,” Alan Singer, Race, Gender & Class (2010)
Additional Resources
Georgetown University, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
Wabash College, Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion
- Religious Diversity [scholarship guide]
- Identity, Society & Church [scholarship guide]
- Teaching Religion [scholarship guide]
- Faith in the Classroom [scholarship guide]
Harvard Divinity School, Religion and Public Life
- Resources for Educators
- Navigating Religious Diversity
- Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey “Bridging Religious Divides Through Higher Education” (2020)
“Ableism, Accessibility, and Educational Development: A Disability Studies Perspective,” Matthew J. Trybus, Daisy L. Breneman, Emily O. Gravett, New Directions for Teaching and Learning (2019)
“Enhancing On-Line Learning for Individuals with Disabilities,” James M. Brown, New Directions for Teaching and Learning (2002)
“Accessibility Considerations for Hybrid Courses,” Kirsten Behling, New Directions for Teaching and Learning (2017)
“How to Create a Welcoming Culture for Autistic Students,” Clara Joy Gibson, The Chronicle of Higher Education (2018)
“Glossary of Disability Terminology,” National Science Teaching Association
“Disabled People Cannot Be ‘Expected Losses’ in the Climate Crisis,” Julia Watts Belser, Truthout (2019)
“Introduction: Religion, Disability, and the Environment,” Julia Watts Belser, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology (2015)
“Disability and the Politics of Vulnerability,” Julia Watts Belser (2020)
Additional Resources
Georgetown University
- Disability Support Services
- Disability Studies Program
- Religion and Disability Studies Doyle Seminar
University of California, Berkeley, Multicultural Education Program
Stanford University, Center for Teaching and Learning
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching
Texas A&M University
5 Steps to Healing Polarization in the Classroom: Insights and Examples, Amy Uelmen and Michael Kessler (2018) [excerpt]
“From Text to Tone: Discussing Polarizing Questions in the Classroom,” Amy Uelmen
“Teaching Across a Political Divide,” Harvard EdCast [audio and transcript]
“Politics in the Classroom: Instructor Resources,” Xavier University
“Talking Across Divides: 10 Ways to Encourage Civil Classroom Conversation on Difficult Issues,” Katherine Schulten, New York Times (2016)
“Political Discussion in the Classroom: What Should Educators Be Trying to Do?” Paula McAvoy, Ideas, Insight & Civil Discourse (2019)
The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education, Diana E. Hess and Paula McAvoy (2015)
Additional Resources
Georgetown University, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
- The Teaching Commons
- Difficult Discussions
- “Tips and Strategies for Difficult Discussions”
- “Facilitating Difficult Discussions in Remote Learning Environments” [video]
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching
Tufts University, Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement